Sunday, August 8, 2010

Awesome Cover Art in YA literature

Halo is going to be released at the end of this month and I'm in the midst of reading it now. Loving it! I couldn't resist posting this cover. I think it is just so lovely. Honestly, the glow is so bright, it hurt my eyes even looking at it on the screen. I have to look at it from different angles, because I can't quite believe it. I don't know how they do it, but it certainly is eye-catching. It really looks like light is emanating from the cover. Anyone know of any other amazing cover art out there?


  1. That is a cool cover!
    A couple of covers that grew on me were Gentleman by Michael Northrop. And The Chosen One by Carol Lynch Williams.

  2. Oooh. I'm going to look those up. Thanks for stopping in Paul!

  3. June have you see the ones for His Darkest Embrace by Juliana Stone, Untamed Highlander by Donna Grant, Frostfire by Lynn Viehl or Bloodshot by Cherie Priest. They are not ethereal or YA but some adult paranormals which are what catch my eye....

    jackie ^_^

    BTW, like you the book cover is very amazing and really does "glow" when posted onscreen!

  4. Oh wow! That is a beautiful cover! I love books with lovely covers like that.
    Lately, I’ve been reading PopCo by Scarlett Thomas and that one has a unique cover too :)

  5. Hey Jackie. A lot of the adult paranormals are off the chain and their covers are pretty distinctive. I'll check out the ones you mentioned. Halo is something else isn't it?

  6. Hi Lua.

    The cover is really awesome. It just pulls you right in and believe me, it fits the story perfectly. It does not disappoint. You've got to read it.

  7. Very striking cover! It's hard to miss that one!

  8. I'm telling you, Alissa, I love it. Right now, it's one of my favorite. Thank goodness the story is just as good.

  9. Great pick! The cover is definitely gorgeous and I can see a halo on it =)

    here's mine;

    Happy Wednesday

  10. Thanks for stopping in Darlyn. I'm coming by to check you out right now.


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