I went to see the latest
Star Trek movie this Memorial weekend. I was happy to learn it was offered in 2-D because I hate paying a premium price for 3-D. It's such a rip-off. I remember when 3-D movies were regular price, then after the popularity of
Avatar, the studios realized they could make a killing fooling people to think it was worth it to pay more for 3-D. It's not.
Anyway...I digress...let me get back to the matter at hand---
Star Trek. I read several mixed reviews, some of which really skewered the movie. I was determined to see for myself because I really enjoyed the
Star Trek movie in 2009 and was looking forward to the follow up. I really hoped these critics were wrong. Thank goodness they were. I had such a good time!! And this is coming from someone who is not a Trekkie. When
Star Trek came on TV when I was a kid, I hated it. All that philosophical mumbo-jumbo went over my head. I was bored silly. It was only when I got older and saw the reruns that I could understand what was going on and the deeper meaning of the scenes.

I just don't understand what some of these reviewers are looking for. Some said the movie was boring and this couldn't be further from the truth. There were a lot of pulse-pumping, heart-stopping moments that had me and by the looks of it, a lot of people in the theater, at the edge of their seats. I was clutching my chest and practically gnawing my hand at some points...lol...People laughed out loud at the bromance between Kirk and Spock. All the actors channeled the old stars and their mannerisms of the characters so well. They stayed true to who the characters are, but still made the roles their own: Scotty, Sulu, Dr. McCoy...etc...And the new villian...Some reviewers said he was boring. Hello!! He's played by "Sherlock Holmes" himself, Benedict Cumberbatch. He was wonderfully drool, yet menacing in the role. I couldn't wait to find out what he was really up to.
Well, have I made myself clear?! I loved this movie, can't wait for the next installment and those critics don't know what they're talking about!
Of course, if you, dear reader didn't like the movie, I'll most definitely respect your opinion...Lol...
Toodles, y'all!