As a result of my experience with Twilight, I've discovered I prefer to see the movie adaptation of a book before reading the book itself if possible. Once again, I've heard and read that many of the people who read the book, The Lovely Bones were disappointed in the movie. They felt a critical scene-the rape of the young girl Susie, was left out of the movie and merely implied. These readers felt Susie's take on her loss of innocence was an even greater theme of the book then the murder itself.
Perhaps, but I am unable to weigh in on that, because I wasn't able to finish the book. I saw the book in Barnes and Noble and considered buying it, but the premise of a murdered youngster gave me pause. I decided I didn't want to read about that. I ran across the book in the library and peeked at it again. I'd heard so much about it, I decided to give it a try, so I checked it out of library and gave it a go.